2012-06-14 13:05 来源:医学教育网
1 The kitchen is in the rear of the house.
A before B frontC middle D back
2 She overcame her initial shyness and really enjoyed the evening.
A coming B beginningC happening D existing
3 The great castles of the kings were without bathing facilities.
A pools B meansC showers D towel
4 The town is famous for its magnificent church towers.
A distinguished B contemporaryC specialized D specified
5 After the whole day’s march, they are too fatigue to walk any more.
A hungry B sleepyC thirsty D tired
6 One of my favorite saying is:“There is no smoke without fire. ”
A most loved B alike C favorable D likely
7 The prices of vegetables fluctuate according to weather.
A fall B raiseC change D rise
8 Comets are still regarded with fright by some people.
A dread B concernC detachment D resentment
9 Your father is furious about the damage you have done to the flower beds.
A angry B anxiousC uncertain D worried
10 The dog saw his reflection in the pool of water.
A image B imaginationC bone D shadow
11 The quality and number of a city’s public roads offer an excellent gauging of its prosperity.
A enriching B creating C protecting D judging
12 His handwriting is flowing and graceful.
A pleasing B formal C informal D flowery
13 What were the consequences of the decision she had made?
A reasons B results C causes D bases
14 The great changes of the city astonished every visitor to that city.
A attacked B surprised C attracted D interested
15 How do you account for your absence from the class last Thursday?
A explain B examine C choose D expand
答案:1. C2. D3. B4. B5. D 6. C7. D8. D9. C10. B 11. D12. C13. A14. C15. D