


2015-03-13 13:48 来源:医学教育网


26.change...into 把…变成,转换成

Change these sentences from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech. 把句子由直接引语转换成间接引语

27.clear away 把…清除掉

She is clearing away the leaves on the ground.

28.come about 发生、产生

How did these differences come about ?

29.come across 偶然 遇到

A man was walking through a wood and he came across a hunter.

30.come off 从…离开,脱落

My raincoat got caught in the door and the button came off

31.come out 出发、出版、发行

How did the printing come out ?

32.come to 共计、达到

The total money collected had come to over million dollars. 筹集的钱已经超过了100万

33.come true 变为现实,实现

I’ve always dreamt of coming to China, and now my dream has come true.

34.come up 抬头、上来、上升

He soon comes up for breath. 他不久就从水中上来喘气了

35.compare to 把…比喻成

The baby is compared to a bear.

36.compare ... with 把…与…进行比较

Sometimes it is necessary to compare English with Chinese.

37.connect to 连接、相连

The room is connected to the rest of the house by a long passage.走廊

38.connect with 与…相连

How is one telephone connected with another today ?

39.consider ... as 把 某人 看作

Today, Abraham Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest of all American presidents.

40.consider doing ... 考虑做某事

Have you considered having a walk after supper ?

41.cut off 切断

Many towns and villages had their water supply cut off because there was no electricity.

42.cut through 剪断、凿穿

The army was called in to cut through the mountain to build a road through it.

43.deal with 处理、 对付

Here is some advice for dealing with the problems.

44.depend on 依靠、相信、信赖

you can depend on us, sir.

45.die of 死于…

Tens of thousands of people died of hunger.

46.die out 消失、灭亡

However , many of these are dying out.

47.divide... into... 把…分成…

Ireland is divided into two countries.

48.do a good deed 做件好事

She was determined to do a good deed.

49.do one’s best 尽某人的最大努力

The farmers do their best to supply the market with enough vegetables.

50.do sb. a favor 帮某人一个忙

Do me the favor to turn on the light.

51.do well 做的好

He’s doing well in the school

52.do wrong 做坏事、犯罪

His family had done much wrong.

53.dream of 向往、渴望、梦想

I’ve always dreamt of coming to China.

54.drop in 顺便走访 某人

I’ll drop in and leave the new address.

55.eat up 吃光、吃完

I ate up all the food I could find in the fridge.

