


2015-03-04 08:52 来源:医学教育网




1 Singapore is an independentcity-state in southeastern Asia,consisting of one major island - the Singaporeisland - and more than 50 small islands,located off the southern tip of Malay.The city of Singapore,the capital of the country,is at the southeastern endof the Singapore Island; it is one of the most important port cities andcommercial centers of Southeast Asia.The total area of the republic is 640sq.km.

2 Low-lying Singapore Island hasno outstanding relief(轮廓鲜明的)features.A central area of hills rises tothe maximum height of 176m.The country has a wet tropical climate,with anaverage annual temperature of 27.20°C.The average annual rainfall is 2.413 mm,the wettest months are November through January.

3 Singapore is governed under aconstitution of 1959.A president,elected to a four-year term,is head ofstate,and a prime minister is head of government.The president used to beselected by Parliament,but by 1991 constitutional amendment(修正案),the president is now electeddirectly by the people.The Parliament is the law-making body with its 81members popularly elected.

4 In the late 1980s the countryhad some 290 primary schools with 278,300 pupils and 160 secondary schools with200,200 students.The main institutions of higher education are the NationalUniversity of Singapore,several technical colleges,and a teachers college.

5 Singapore has one of the higheststandards of living of any country in Asia.In the late 1980s the grossdomestic product was estimated at $23.7 billion,or $8,870 per person.Thefishing industry is centered on the port of southwestern Singapore Island.Industry has grown rapidly since the 1960s,and Singapore now produces adiversity (多样化的)of goods,including chemicals,electronicitems,clothing,and processed foods,etc.Shipbuilding and petroleum refiningare also important.

1.Paragraph 2_________

2.Paragraph 3_________

3.Paragraph 4_________

4.Paragraph 5_________


B.Land and Climate

C.State System

D.Natural Resources



5.Singapore is a small state inthe southeast of Asia _________.

6.According to the constitutionof Singapore,the president of the state is selected _________.

7.Compared with people in otherAsian countries,the Singapore _________.

8.Though small,Singapore has anindustry of its own and can _________.

A.live a better life

B.made up of more than 50 islands

C.have more farmland

D.not by the Parliament,but by the people

E.produce goods of various kinds

F.have a big population

1.Paragraph 2_________


 B.Land and Climate

 C.State System

 D.Natural Resources





2.Paragraph 3_________


 B.Land and Climate

 C.State System

 D.Natural Resources




答案解析:这一段是在叙述国家的体制,即State System。

3.Paragraph 4_________


 B.Land and Climate

 C.State System

 D.Natural Resources





4.Paragraph 5_________


 B.Land and Climate

 C.State System

 D.Natural Resources





5.Singapore is a small state in the southeast of Asia _________.

 A.live a better life

 B.made up of more than 50 islands

 C.have more farmland

 D.not by the Parliament,but by the people

 E.produce goods of various kinds

 F.have a big population


答案解析:文中第一段讲到新加坡由一个大岛和五十个小岛组成,原文用的是consist of和made up of同义,但用法不同。

6.According to the constitution of Singapore,the president of the state is selected _________.

 A.live a better life

 B.made up of more than 50 islands

 C.have more farmland

 D.not by the Parliament,but by the people

 E.produce goods of various kinds

 F.have a big population


答案解析:第三段讲到现在新加坡的总统不是由议会选举的,而是由老百姓直接选举的。在选项中用的是select (挑选)这个词。

7.Compared with people in other Asian countries,the Singapore _________.

 A.live a better life

 B.made up of more than 50 islands

 C.have more farmland

 D.not by the Parliament,but by the people

 E.produce goods of various kinds

 F.have a big population



8.Though small,Singapore has an industry of its own and can _________.

 A.live a better life

 B.made up of more than 50 islands

 C.have more farmland

 D.not by the Parliament,but by the people

 E.produce goods of various kinds

 F.have a big population


答案解析:最后一段中讲到Singapore now produces a diversity of goods,即produces various kinds of goods之意。




