




2015-10-22 17:07 来源:医学教育网

  China Seeks Donors to Narrow Bone Marrow Gap

  1. China has launched a campaign to recruit more bone marrow donors, amid a shortage of funds as well as of sibling donors who could help the growing number of patients in need of life-saving transplants, state media reported on Monday.

  2.The Chinese Red Cross1began the national campaign over the weekend to find donors for some 4 million patients suffering from leukaemia, thalassaemia and other blood diseases and awaiting bone marrow transplants, the official China Daily said. Every year China has 40,000 new leukaemia patients, most of them under 35 and 50 percent of them children,2the newspaper said. Other reports have linked China’s growing childhood leukaemia to solvents and building materials used in interior decoration3.

  3.With a tiny pool of bone marrow donors, weakened by the absence of sibling donors for most children because of China’s one-child policy,doctors rely on4donors from Taiwan to save many young leukaemia patients, the Beijing Evening Newssaid last weekend. Taiwan, with a population of 22 million, has 210,000 registered donors compared with fewer than 30,000 donors among mainland China’s 1.3 billion people5, the newspaper said.

  4.Yet the lack of registered donors may reflect a lack of funding for testing and recording data on potential donors rather than a lack of volunteers, the newspaper said. China needs a pool of at least 100,000 donors but testing them would cost more than 50 million yuan, it said.

  5.The Hong Kong Marrow Match Foundation6said it has helped "a handful" of patients in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities. "The number of requests is increasing" from mainland China, including direct calls to the charity from desperate patients or relatives, said the foundation’s donor coordinator Marven Chin. But the cost of extracting bone marrow from one of the foundation’s 40,000 registered donors and flying it by courier has to be borneby the patients, and many of them have to be aided financially, Chin said.


  1.Paragraph 2 __________

  2.Paragraph 3 __________

  3.Paragraph 4 __________

  4.Paragraph 5 __________

  A Urgent Need for Both Donors and Funds

  B Shortage of Donors

  C Desperate Leukaemia Patients

  D Seriouness of the Current Situation

  E Shortage of Funds

  F Comparison Between Mainland and Hong Kong and Taiwan

  5.It seems that many of the recipients are not enough __________.

  6.At present the number of bone marrow donors in mainland China is__________.

  7.Some solvents and building materials are considered __________.

  8.Obviously , recruiting voluntary bone marrow donors in mainland China is__________.

  A about one percent of the total population

  B to be responsible for childhood leukaemia

  C an urgent and tough task to be accomplished

  D less than one third of the minimunl

  E an expensive cost to be paid

  F to afford the cost of bone marrow transplantation


  1.D 第二段讲到了目前中国内地有约400万各种需要骨髓移植的病人,而且每年还增加4万白血病患者,故情况非常严重。

  2.B 第三段讲到由于中国内地实行独生子女政策,故缺少同胞来捐献骨髓,而骨髓库在中国内地13亿人口中只登记了不足3万名志愿者,远远低于台湾2,200万人口中的21万名,故中国内地的志愿者奇缺。

  3.E 第四段提到缺少志愿者实质上是缺少对可能作为志愿者的人进行检验及建立资料库的费用,此费用约需5,000万元人民币。

  4.A 在最后一段,香港骨髓匹配基金会讲到内地的需求越来越多,即使从香港4万名志愿者中寻求帮助,许多接受捐献的人也很难承受这种费用,需要给予资助,故实际上仍是迫切需要志愿者和资金。

  5.F 本题的答案在文章最后一句,其中说到许多接受捐献者需要资助。

  6.D 第三段说中国内地13亿人口中只有不足3万名志愿者,第四段又说内地最少需要10万名志愿者,故不足最低数量的三分之一。

  7.B 第二段最后一句说,其他报道则认为,儿童白血病人的增加与室内装修所使用的溶剂及建材有关,故B为答案。注意:responsible for在医学文献中常指“是(某病)……的原因”。

  8.C 本题答案是在通读全文以后得出的结论,因为病人太多,志愿者缺口又太大,还需要花很多钱,很多病人又负担不起费用,因此这是一个既迫切又艰巨的任务。


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