会议时间:2017-07-27 08:00:00至 2017-07-28 18:00:00结束
Dr. Chi-Chang Chang, Associate Professor
School of Medical Informatics, ChungShan Medical University, Taiwan
Biography: Dr. Chi-Chang Chang is currently an associate professor of medical informatics in the Chung Shan Medical University's College of Health Care and Management, and also a consultant on Biomedical Industry Research Center & Medical Information Center, Chung-Shan Medical University Hospital. Dr. Chang received the Ph.D. degree in Industry Engineering Management from the Yuan-Ze University. He is academic member of the Association for Information Systems and Society for Medical Decision Making. His primary research interests are in the areas of medical decision analysis, reliability engineering, stochastic processes, shared medical decision making, and clinical operational research. He has published in European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Universal Computer Science, International Journal of Technology Management, Central European Journal of Medicine, Neural Computing and Applications, European Psychiatry etc. To date, he has published more than 100 articles in the forms of journals, book chapters and conference proceedings. Dr. Chang has rich experience in keynote address such as MESS2016, ICMLC2016, ICBP2016, PSYBEHAV2016, ICRE2016, MES2016, MEDLIFE2016, ICMLC2017, and so on.
Topic: Rethinking a Longitudinal Model for Quality of Life Measurement in Cancer Survivors
Abstract: The diagnosis and treatment of cancer can be a traumatic experience with long-lasting psychological effects. Research focused solely on documenting distress and dysfunction, however, may paint an incomplete and potentially misleading picture of adjustment following malignant disease. Although progress has been made in understanding positive outcomes, the literature has been characterized by several methodological limitations. First, research has generally relied on unstandardized interview methods to assess positive outcomes. Second, those studies presenting quantitative information consist largely of descriptions of the relative frequency of different types of positive outcomes. Third, the few studies that have examined variables associated with individual differences in positive outcomes have generally not been guided by theory-driven hypotheses. Fourth, longitudinal prospective studies over varying periods of the survivorship are postulated in many reports. In this speech, I will introduce the structural equation modeling and test the patient latent change. The main objective is to learn an appropriate treatment from the past, with the concern to produce good prognosis for unseen clinical situations.
Dr. Gaoming Zhang, Associate Professor
Department of Teacher Education, School of Education, University of Indianapolis, USA
Biography: Gaoming Zhang is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Indianapolis. She holds a master‘s degree in Literacy Instruction (with specialization in Second Language Acquisition) and the Ph.D. degree in Education Psychology and Education Technology from Michigan State University. Her research interests include technology integration in education settings, teacher preparation, and comparative education. More specifically, she is interested in how people learn in different cultures and how to prepare teachers to promote learning in different cultures. In her recent research, she examined educational reforms in China from historical, cultural, and political perspectives. She has published 8 book chapters. She was also invited to serve as guest editor of On the Horizon, for a special issue on Educational Innovations in China. Her work has appeared in On the Horizon, the Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Educause Review, the AILACTE, and the International Encyclopedia of Education. Her recent book is Never Send a Human to Do a Machine’s Job: Correcting the Top 5 EdTech Mistakes.
Topic: Which country is more creative? Are we asking a wrong question?
Abstract: For many decades, cross-cultural studies on creativity have focused on a big question: which country/nationality is more creative? A comprehensive literature review of cross-cultural studies on creativity is provided. Those studies administered some type of creativity test or task to participants from different countries and then compared their test results. Abundant literature suggests that those findings are inconclusive and in many cases contradict to each other. In this presentation, the authors propose that to explain these inclusive and contradictory research findings, we have to look at non-cognitive factors in each culture and be more mindful of the impact of cultural factors on creativity. Implications and suggestions of cultural factors on creativity will also be discussed.
Dr. Chao Miao, Assistant Professor
Finance, Accounting and Management Department, Jay S. Sidhu School of Business & Leadership, Wilkes University, USA
Biography: Dr. Chao Miao is a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Management and Management Program Coordinator at Wilkes University. Prior to his appointment at Wilkes University, he has taught at University of Alabama and Virginia Commonwealth University. He received his Ph.D. degree in Management from Virginia Commonwealth University. He also received Graduate Dean‘s Scholar Award from Virginia Commonwealth University for his excellent accomplishments at doctoral program. Dr. Miao has developed a cross-disciplinary research pipeline that spans across multiple fields, such as business, psychology, sociology, and biology. He has published over 40 papers in peer- reviewed journals and conferences and many of his publications have been indexed by SCI, SSCI, EI, and ISTP. He has served as a reviewer and conference facilitator for many top journals and premier conferences.
Prior to Dr. Miao‘s academic career in the area of business, he was an engineer and a scientist in the fields of material science, automotive engineering, mechanics, computer-aided design, and advanced manufacturing. He is an Autodesk Certified AutoCAD Engineer and received his Unigraphics NX CAD Senior Designer Certificate and CATIA Mechanical Structure Design Certificate.
Topic: Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, and Job Attitudes: Evidence from Meta-Analysis and Future Directions
Abstract: Emotional intelligence (EI) is an umbrella construct that involves a series of emotional processes and phenomena. The popularity of the construct of EI attracts a substantial amount of attention from both researchers and practitioners. This keynote speech will cover this popular construct and be positioned to accomplish four objectives. First, I will provide an overview of EI research and discuss how EI predicts job attitudes and explore the mediating mechanisms between EI and job attitudes. Second, I will discuss the link between EI research and leadership research and how EI advances the field of leadership. The third objective is to investigate the cross-cultural validity of EI and to examine whether EI differentially predicts outcomes across different nations. The fourth objective is to discuss practical implications of EI and to provide future directions of EI research.