

2017-10-20 13:53来源:医学教育网T

第八届DNA损伤应答与人类疾病国际研讨会(international symposium on DNA Damage Response & Human Disease, isDDRHD-2017)将于2017年10月27-29日在深圳大学召开,报名平台活动家。DNA损伤应答与人类疾病国际研讨会(isDDRHD)是由许兴智教授和汪兆琦院士(欧洲)于2010年共同发起,旨在为DNA修复领域的我国学者与国际主流实验室提供交流平台,已成功举办七届,已成为DNA修复领域国际学术盛会,参会者均来自国内外知名科研机构,具有极大的国际影响力。





10月27日 详细日程

10:00-20:00  报到   地点:深圳圣淘沙酒店-桃园店

16:00-18:00   主旨报告

报告人:Marco Foiani, IFOM, Italy

报告题目:An integrated ATR, ATM and mTOR-mechanical network controlling nuclear platicity and cell migration

报告人:Stephen Kowalczykowski, UC Davis, USA

报告题目:Molecular functions of BRCA1, BRCA2, and RAD51-paralogs in chromosome maintenance

18:30-20:30    Reception

10月28日 详细日程

07:30-10:00   Registration   Lobby, the Auditorium

08:30-09:00   Opening ceremony & group picture

09:00-10:30    DNA damage signaling I

报告人:Zhenkun Lou, Mayo Clinics, USA

报告题目:Ubiquitination signaling and the DNA Damage Response

报告人:Xingzhi Xu, Shenzhen University, China

报告题目:Ufmylation in the DNA damage response

报告人:Xiaochun Yu, City of Hope National Medical Center, USA

报告题目:PARylation and dePARylation in DNA damage response

报告人:Daochun Kong, Peking University, China


10:30-12:00  DNA Repair I

报告人:Gerd Pfeifer, Van Andel Institute, USA

报告题目:5-methylcytosine oxidation: at the interface of epigenetics and DNA damage/repair

报告人:Guoliang Xu, Institute of Biochemistry & Cell biology, CAS, China

报告题目:A new DNA modification on 5-methylcytosine

报告人:Jun Huang, Zhejiang University, China

报告题目:SRAD directs replication-associated DNA double-strand breaks towards the homologous recombination repair pathway

报告人:Lei Shi, Tianjin Medical University, China

报告题目:USP7 Confers Genotoxic Resistance of Cervical Cancer through Stabilizing MDC1

12:00-14:00   Lunch and poster viewing

14:00-15:45   DNA replication I

汇报人:Zou Lee, Harvard medical School, USA

汇报题目:New Insights into the Functions of ATR in the Protection of Genomic Integrity

汇报人:Binghui Shen, City of Hope National Medical Ceter,USA

汇报题目:ITCH-mediated Histone H1c K46 Polyubiquitination Suppresses DNA Replication Stress in Triple Negative Breast Cancers

汇报人:Songmin Ying,Zhejiang University, China

汇报题目:Mitotic Repair Pathways in Response to Replication Stress

汇报人:Caixia Guo, Beijing Institute of Genomics, CAS, China

汇报题目:O-GlcNAcylation governs genome integrity during translesion DNA synthesis

15:45-17:30    Genome instability & disease I

汇报人:Zhixiong Xiao, Sichuan University, China

汇报题目:Role of p53 and p73 in DNA Damage-and Differentiation-induced apoptosis in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

汇报人:Bin-bing Zhou, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

汇报题目:Temporal Regulation of Oncogenic Stress during Childhood ALL Relapse

汇报人:Guo-Min Li, UT Southwestern Medical Center as Dallas, USA

汇报题目:Evidence that H3K36me3 Promotes a Novel Mutation Avoidance Pathway Associated with Transcription

报告人:Xin Lu, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, UK

报告题目:Regulation of p53

18:30-20:30   Welcome dinner

10月29日 详细日程

9:00-10:30   DNA repair II

汇报人:Stephen West, Francis Crick Institute, UK

汇报题目:Unresolved recombination intermediates lead to DNA breaks and chromosome aberrations

汇报人:Qi-en Wang (S), Ohio State University, USA

汇报题目:UV radiation-induced SUMOylation of DDB2 regulates nucleotide excision repair

汇报人:Wei-Guo Zhu, Shenzhen University, China

汇报题目:Epigenetic modifiers in the DNA damage response

10:30-12:00    DNA replication II

汇报人:Dana Branzei, IFOM, Italy

汇报题目:Roles of the Warsaw Breakage Syndrome helicase DDX11 in replication stress and chromosome structure integrity

汇报人:Qing Li, Peking University, China

汇报题目:Chaperone RPA during DNA replication

汇报人:Zhiguo Zhang, Columbia University, USA

汇报题目:Checkpoint kinase Rad53 couples leading and lagging strand DNA synthesis under replication stress

汇报人:Lei Li, MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA

汇报题目:Fanconi Anemia and Complex DNA Lesions

汇报人:Dongyi Xu, Peking University, China

汇报题目:RIF1 promotes stalled replication fork restart

13:00-14:25   DNA damage signaling II

汇报人:Junjie Chen, MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA

汇报题目:Protein-protein interaction network in DNA damage response and tumorigenesis

汇报人:Xiaofeng Zheng (S), Peking University, China

汇报题目:NEDDylation antagonizes PCNA ubiquitination and regulates the recruitment of Polymerase η in response to oxidative DNA damage

汇报人:Michael Huen (S), University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

汇报题目:Dosage Effects of RNF169 in Choice of DNA Double-Strand Break Repair

14:45-16:30  Genome instability & disease II

汇报人:Jan Hoeijmakers, Erasmus Medical Center, Neherlands

汇报题目:DNA Damage and nutrition: impact on sustaining health, aging and longevity

汇报人:Shunichi Takeda, Kyoto University, Japan

汇报题目:BRCA1 and Mre11 maintain genome integrity by eliminating abortive Topoisomerase complexes

汇报人:Rutao Cui, Boston University, USA

汇报题目:DOT1L is a melanocyte lineage specific caretaker tumor suppressor

汇报人:Hua Lu, Tulane University, USA

汇报题目:Mutant p53 Gains Its Function via c-Myc Activation upon CDK4 Phosphorylation at Serine 249 and Consequent PIN1 Binding

汇报人:Zhongwei Zhou (S), FLI, Germany

汇报题目:NBS1 and NOTCH1 Cooperate in Neural Development

16:45-17:00  Poster Awards and closing remarks






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