Call for applications for
In 2012, the International Transplant Centre in France(EBMT Paris Office) and theHematology Department of the Saint-Antoine Hospital, with the help of EBMT, theFondation de France and BOXIAO Foundation under the aegis of the Fondation de Francedecided to create an award entitled “Saint-Antoine-EBMT Achievement Award” in order topromote the innovations of Franco-Chinese cooperation in Hematology.
This award honors European / French or Chinese individuals or institutions for their
contributions to the development of hematology particularly (but not exclusively) in thefield of stem cell transplantation and cell therapy.
Call for applications for the “SAINT-ANTOINE-EBMT ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 2016” isposted in the website of SFGM-TC. Candidates are asked to prepare a complete document(see Article 3) and send to: before the midnight of February28 2016.
Article 1
The International Transplant Centre in France (EBMT Paris Office) and the HematologyDepartment of the Saint-Antoine Hospital, with the help of EBMT, BOXIAO Foundationunder the aegis of the Fondation de France decided to create an award entitled “Saint-Antoine-EBMT Achievement Award” in order to promote the innovations of Franco-Chinese cooperation in Hematology.
This award honors European / French or Chinese individuals or institutions for theircontributions to the development of hematology particularly (but not exclusively) in thefield of stem cell transplantation and cell therapy.
Article 2
The “Saint-Antoine-EBMT Achievement Award” is awarded annually to two laureates, onefrom China and one from Europe.
Article 3
Candidates must submit their CV with a list of publications and a summary of work theywish to do or descriptions of the work they have undertaken for the scientific cooperationdescribed in Article 1. The document submitted (exclude the CV) will not exceed four A4pages (single-spaced, 12 font)。
Article 4
The jury is composed of scientists from the EBMT, from the Hematology Department ofthe Saint-Antoine Hospital and of representatives from the financial supporters. Asrequired during the review of documents, the jury may seek external experts, especiallyChinese experts for their opinions.
Article 5
The application for the “Saint-Antoine-EBMT Achievement Award” is open from January1st to March 1st each year.
Article 6
The laureates of the award are announced every year after the annual meeting of theEBMT and/or if applicable during the “Franco (European)-Chinese Summit inhematology ”which may follow EBMT during the same year.
Article 7
The “Saint-Antoine-EBMT Achievement Award” is presented annually at the“Franco (European)-Chinese Summit in hematology” organized by the InternationalTransplant Centre in France (EBMT Paris Office), the Saint-Antoine Hospital and theChinese Medical Doctor Association. This scientific event takes place in France or in China.
Article 8
The “Saint-Antoine-EBMT Achievement Award” includes a certificate, a medal and anamount of 10,000 euros. The certificate is signed by the president of the evaluationcommittee and the representative of the Saint-Antoine Hospital. The medal is engravedwith the logo of the EBMT and the logo of the Saint-Antoine Hospital.
The presentation of the award will be in the presence of representatives from thelaureates‘ country, of the president of EBMT and of jury members.
The Fondation de France will transfer the prize to the laureates who will also receive acongratulatory letter from the president of the Fondation de France.
Article 9
Further information can be obtained from the secretariat of the evaluation committee.