

2016-04-11 11:58来源:医学教育网T
会议名称(中文):  第八届亚洲糖尿病学会学术会议 
会议名称(英文):  8th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes 
所属学科:  公共卫生与预防医学,老年医学,诊断学与治疗学基础,康复医学 
开始日期:  2016-10-27 
结束日期:  2016-10-30 
所在国家:  中华人民共和国 
所在城市:  台湾省 台北市 
主办单位:  台湾糖尿病学会、台湾糖尿病卫教学会 
联系电话:  (+886) 2-8226-1010 ext.96 
传真:  (+886) 2-8226-2785 
会议背景介绍:  It brings our great joy to invite you to attend the 11th International Diabetes Federation Western Pacific Region Congress (11th IDF-WPR Congress) and the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes (8th AASD Scientific Meeting) which will be held on October 27-30, 2016 at Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), Taipei, Taiwan. We sincerely hope the beauty of our city and the theme of our congress will intrigue you all. The 11th IDF-WPR Congress and 8th AASD Scientific Meeting will be held by the Chinese Taipei Diabetes Association (CTDA) and the Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators (TADE). Both IDF registered members have the strong international conference experiences in past decade. Therefore Committee firmly believes this grand Congress will be a wonderful and fruitful experience to every participant. We hope to enhance the quality of diabetes health care in the world through different activities and experience sharing during the congress. In the Western Pacific region, the most populous area in the world, it is estimated that there are now about 138 million people have diabetes according to 2014 IDF Diabetes Atlas. To provide a comprehensive care and prevent the rising epidemic of diabetes in this area, the main theme of the 11th IDF-WPR Congress and 8th AASD Scientific Meeting is set as “Create a new dimension in diabetes: Prevention, Protection and Care”. This congress will include Plenary Lectures to highlight the major developments in diabetes in recent years and over 30 symposia to cover major fields for diabetes care, including early screening and prevention of diabetes, diabetes medical therapy, modern technology, complication management, diabetes performance measures, diabetes psychosocial status, diabetes education, obesity/diabetes & bariatric surgery, and train the trainer program. In addition, this meeting will also have oral and poster presentations, meet the specialist and the debate session, etc. It is hoped that by those programs the congress can serve as a platform for every participant and provide an exchange between individuals and institutions to discuss the current status of diabetes research in the challenging areas. We will also have joint meetings with “Asia-Pacific Diabetes and Obesity Study Group (APDO) Symposium 2016”, “the Study Group of Molecular Diabetology in Asia (MDIA) Symposium 2016” and the annual meeting of local organizers: “37th Annual Meeting of the Endocrinology Society and the Diabetes Association of the R.O.C. (Taiwan)” and “Bi-Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators 2016”. To encourage young fellows from WPR member countries, “IDF-WPR Asia-Pacific Diabetes Epidemiology and Education Training Course 2016” and “IDF-WPR Education Program: Train the Trainer program 2016” will also be held concurrently, in part of this splendid program. We cordially request you to mark the meeting schedule in your calendar. Meanwhile your advice and contribution will be invaluable to the success of the congress. We value and look forward to your participation to enjoy the scientific and cultural experience in Taipei in 2016. 
征文范围及要求:  Abstract Themes Early Screening and Intervention of Prediabetes and Diabetes Diabetes Management: Gene and Environment Diabetes Performance Measures: An Update and Future Directions Optimizing Diabetes Therapy Delay Diabetes Complication: What Can We Do? Psychosocial Status of Diabetes: What Have We Learned? Psychosocial perspectives on diabetes caring and health behavior Diabetes Education: Focus on Minds Beta Cell Replacement Therapy and Imaging Obesity/diabetes & Bariatric Surgery Using big data for research and care in diabetes Others (clinical research, basic research, etc.) 




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