

2014-12-04 11:40来源:医学教育网T

  The ECNP Congress is Europe's largest meeting on applied and translational neuroscience. Annually it brings together between 4,000 and 7,000 psychiatrists, neuroscientists, neurologists and psychologists from around the world to discuss the latest developments in the science and treatment of disorders of the brain.

  Spanning the spectrum of human mood, behaviour, cognition and emotion from basic science to clinical care the ECNP Congress is Europe's premier showcase for new research, treatments and technologies in applied brain science.

  Featured topics in 2014 include:

  TAAR1: from cell to clinic

  Adult neurogenesis in anxiety and mood disorders

  Personalised treatment of major depression

  New European pharma research initiatives

  Neuropeptides, obesity and addiction

  Neurobiology of ADHD across the lifespan

  Significant registration discounts are offered to junior scientists (below the age of 40) delegates from developing-economy countries, and those registering on before 15 April.

  For an overview of the activities that will take place during the 27th ECNP Congress please view the congress at a glance.

  The 27th ECNP Congress foundation is a public-interest-serving entity.

  Who is the ECNP Congress for?

  Medical researchers in neuropsychopharmacology, psychiatry and neurology

  Clinicians and practitioners


  Public health professionals

  When and where is it?

  The congress is held annually in autumn. It rotates between four fixed venues Amsterdam, Barcelona, Paris and Vienna and one variable venue.



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