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1.The chart(graph/table/diagram…)shows that…

2.As can be seen in the picture(drawing/photograph…)

3.It can be seen from the cartoon(picture/comics…)that…

4.As we can see from the chart(graph/table/diagram…)

5.As is shown in the picture(drawing/photograph…)

6.With the development(improvement/rise/growth)of…

7.This acceleration is frequently dramatized by a brief acof the progress in transportation.

8.Research is carried out for two main reasons.

9.Until humans use a spear to hunt game or a robot to produce machine parts,neither is much more than a solid mass of matter.

10.The reason why they return to the Stockton house is that they want to survive

11.Wandering with intent to commit an arrestable offence

12.Technology makes more technology possible

13.although you may not like it,if she chooses your doorway as her place to sleep in the night,it is as morally hard to turn her away it is a lost dog

14.The Conservative Party was hard hit when War Minister John Profumo was involved in a moral scandal that furnished the British press with headlines for weeks

15.In any movement or exercise of the body,the veins get a continual rubbing pressure from the muscles around them,which help carry blood back to the heart

16.When asked about(When it comes to/Faced with)…/the majority of(most/many/quite a few)people say(believe/claim/think/argue)that…/but others regard(view/see/think of/consider/conceive)…as differently.

17.There is a general(much/public)discussion(debate/controversy)nowadays on(about/over/as to)the issue(problem)of…Those who criticize(object to)…argue that…They believe that…But people who advocate(favor)…/on the other hand/argue that…

18.Now people in larger(growing/ever-increasing/significant)numbers are starting(beginning/coming/getting)to know(believe/realize/recognize/underst/accept/see/be aware)that…

19.My reason(idea/opinion/view/suggestion)may be expressed as follows.

20.There are various(many/different/several/a number of/a variety of)effects(causes/reasons)for this sharp(dramatic/marked/significant/extraordinary)decrease(fall/growth/change/decline/increase)in…Firstly.Secondly……

21.The decline(increase/change/failure/success)in…mainly(largely/partly)results from(arises from/is because of/is due to/is attributable to)the fact that(several factors)…

22.It is no easy(simple)task(job)to find(give)the reason for this complicated(deep-rooted)phenomenon(tendency)which involves several(many)factors.

23.It is high time that we place(lay/put)great(special/considerable)emphasis on the improvement(development/increase/promotion)of…

24.It is important(necessary/essential/fundamental)that effective(quick/proper/powerful/more)actions(steps/measures remedies)should be taken to prevent(correct/check/end/fight)the situation(tendency/phenomenon)

25.There is no denying(little doubt)that serious(special/adequate/considerable/immediate/further)attention must be called(paid/devoted)to the phenomenon(problem/shortage/plight)of…





