


2015-03-13 13:50 来源:医学教育网


76.go bad 食物 变坏、坏掉

The potatoes went bad in the soil.

77.go off 离开

When are you going off to Guangzhou?

78.go on doing sth. 继续干某事

Sometimes we go on working after dark.

79.go on with 继续

With the pay that he received, he went on with his studies at university.

80.go up 上涨、上升

I believe prices might go up next week.

81.grow up 生长

Do they grow up by themselves?

82.hand in 交上来、递交

The report Mr Turner handed in was about the motor race.

83hand out 分发

It seems necessary to hand out the listening text to the students.

84.have a good trip 一路顺风

Of course. Good luck. Have a good trip.

85have a talk with 与…谈话

Yang Mei is having a talk with her teacher Sara about learning English.

86.have a seat 坐下

Come in and have a seat.

87.have a test 参加测验

I had a test last week and got a full mark.

88.have a word with 和…说句话

Please,could I have a word with her?

90.have difficulty in doing sth. 做 …有困难 麻烦

Others may have difficulty in moving.

91.have...on 戴着、穿着

Having a black hat on, he carried a stick.

92.have sports 进行体育活动

Do you often have sports at school?

93.hear about 听说

Well,what else did you hear about at the meeting?

94.help...out 帮助某人解决困难

You remember my friend who helped me out?

95.hold one's breath 屏息、不出声

Mrs. Cousins held her breath,and her whole body went cold.

96.hold up 阻挡、把住

If it is possible,hold up the part of the body which is bleeding.

97.insist on 坚持、坚持认为

I insist on telling him how great you were.

98.join in 参加、加入

I joined in the singing contest.

99.join up 联合起来、联接起来

Northern and Southern states joined up again as one country.

100.keep a record 作记录

It also keeps a record of the date on which they will travel.

