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  Extracting a Tooth拔牙医务英语会话

  Dentist: please sit down. What is your trouble?

  医生: 请坐。有什么不舒服?

  Patient: I have a tooth that bothers me often.

  病人: 我有个牙经常痛

  Dentist: Show me which one it is?

  医生: 告诉我是那个牙?

  Patient: The last one in my right upper jaw.

  病人: 右上最后一个。

  Dentist: Let me examine your mouth. I can see you have two bad teeth. One of them doesn’t seem so bad. I think it can be filled. But the other one should be taken out. We will do it right now.

  医生: 让我给你检查一下。我发现你有两只坏牙。其中一只蛀的不厉害,可以补。但另外一只必须拔掉。马上就可以拔掉它。

  Dentist: Please rinse your mouth.

  医生: 请漱口。

  Patient: Will it hurt?

  病人: 拔牙痛吗?

  Dentist: No. We will give you an injection to keep you from feeling anything except numbness. Don’t move while I give you the injection. Do you feel numbness in the area now?

  医生: 不痛。我们要给你大麻药使你只感到麻木,此外无任何感觉。注射时你别动。现在患部感到麻木吗?

  Patient: Yes, I do.

  病人: 是的。

  Dentist: That’s good. It is the time to take it out.

  医生: 那很好。现在可以拔牙了。

  (The dentist puts a sterile cotton ball in the wound after the tooth is extracted.)


  Dentist: Bite on the cotton ball for half an hour and don’t suck.. Keep

  from earing or drinking for two hours, and then take only soft

  food. Do not spit out your saliva because it will cause bleeding.

  医生: 咬紧棉球半个小时,不要吸允。2小时不要吃东西或喝水,以后只可以吃软食。你不要把唾液吐出来,因为这样会引起出血。

  Dentist: Here are two tablets. Take one when you feel any pain. Come

  back to see me if there is a lot of bleeding. You can make an

  appointment to see me about the other tooth.

  医生: 这里有两片药。痛时可以吃一片。要是流血过多就来找我。关于另外一只牙,你可以与我预约。

  Patient: Thank you very much, Doctor, Goodbye.

  病人: 医生,太感谢你了,再见。




