Ophthalmology & Otorhinolaryngology 五官科
aspiration of cataract 白内障吸出术
closed reduction of nasal bone 鼻骨闭合复位
corneal grafting 角膜移植
enucleation of eyeball 眼球摘除术
excision of turbinates 鼻甲切除术
extraction of intra-ocular foreign body 眼内异物摘除
laryngectomy and laryngostomy 喉切除术和喉造口术
lens extraction 晶体摘除
mastoidectomy 乳突切开术
myringotomy 鼓膜切开术
myringoplasty 鼓膜成形术
nasal polypectomy 鼻息肉切除术
septoplasty (鼻)中隔成形术
sinusotomy 鼻窦切开术
submuscous resection of nasal septum 鼻中隔粘膜下切除术
tonsillectomy 扁桃体切除术