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Safety Equipment and Fall Prevention 安全装置及防坠 
Assessment 评估 
1. Assess client's age, level of consciousness, degree of orientation, ability to follow directions, and ability to cooperate. 评估病人年龄、意识程度、定位能力、执行指令及合作能力 
2. Assess client's mobility, hearing, and sight. 评估病人移动能力、听力和视力 
3. Assess medications and alcohol intake. 评估药物和酒精服用情况 
4. Assess history of hypotensive episodes or seizures. 评估病人低血压性发作和癫痫发作情况 
Implementation 实施 
1. Use Standard Protocol. 采用标准护理协议 
2. Explain use of call bell or intercom: 解释呼叫铃或对讲机使用方法 
a. Provide client with glasses and/or hearing aid, if used.
b. Demonstrate use of call bell or intercom to client/family.
c. Have client/family return-demonstrate use.
d. Explain when call bell is to be used.
e. Secure call bell in accessible location. 
a. 病人带好眼镜和/助听器
b. 向病人/家属示范如何使用呼叫铃或对讲机
c. 让病人/家属示范
d. 说明何时使用呼叫铃
e. 将呼叫铃固定于病人可及处 
3. Describe use of hospital bed and side rails: 描述如何使用病床和床档 
a. Keep bed in low position with wheels locked.
b. Explain purpose of side rails to client/family.
c. Keep side rails up for clients at risk of falls.
d. Leave one side rail down for ambulatory clients. 
a. 放低病床,锁住轮子
b. 向病人/家属说明床档的用途
c. 为有坠床危险病人竖好床档
d. 为能行走病人放下一侧床档 
4. Arrange necessary items within client's reach. 将必需用品安置在病人可及之处 
5. Safe use of wheelchairs: 轮椅的安全作用 
a. Lock both wheels for client transfers.
b. Raise foot plates before transfer. Lower foot plates and place client's feet on them after transfer.
c. Have client sit well back in seat with seat belt on.
d. Back wheelchair into and out of elevators.
e. Back down ramps or inclines. 
a. 搬运病人时锁住两个轮子
b. 搬运前抬起脚底板。搬运后放下脚底板,将病人双脚搁于脚底板上
c. 让病人靠背坐好,系上座位带子
d. 倒进、倒出电梯
e. 下坡时背朝前 
6. Safe use of stretchers: 担架的安全使用 
a. Lock wheels during transfers.
b. Use safety belts across client's upper thighs or raise rails.
c. Push stretcher from the end where client's head rests.
d. Enter elevator head first. 
a. 搬运时锁住轮子
b. 在病人腰部系好安全带或升起栏杆
c. 抓住病人头端推动担架
d. 进电梯时头朝前 
7. Use Completion Protocol. 按操作标准结束程序 
Evaluation 评价 
1. Identify client's risks for falls or injuries. 确认病人有无坠落或受伤危险 
2. Observe appropriate use of call bell. 遵守正确使用呼叫铃 
3. Evaluate client's/family's use of the equipment. 评价病人/家属的装置使用情况 
Report and record 报告和记录 
1. Risk for Falls Assessment tool. 坠落危险评估工具 
2. State factors that increase risk for injury. 操作性损伤危险因素记录表 
3. Home Hazard Assessment. 室内危害评估表 





