1.Please sit down in this chair. 请坐到这张椅子上。
2.I will lean the chair back. 我把椅子向后倾斜点。 3. I will bring the chair up. 我将抬高牙椅.。
4.Are you comfortable in this position? 这样的位置你还满意吗?
5.I will place an apron on you. 我给您系上胸巾。
6.Please lift your head. 请把头抬高点。
7.Please tuck your chin. 请收下颌。
8.Please raise your left hand if you feel pain. 如果疼痛,请举起您的左手。
9.Rinse your mouth, please. 请漱口。
10.Please relax your tongue/jaw/shoulder. 请放松您的舌头/下巴/肩膀。
11.I am going to test it with something cold and it might cause some discomfort. 我用冰水来试一下,会有一些疼痛。
12.Lets take an x-ray now. 我来给您找张X光片。
13.I need to take a panoramic film (to see the whole upper and lower iaw). 我需要给您找一张全景片。
14.This tooth might need 2-3 appointments. 这个牙的治疗一共约需要两到三次就诊。
15.A non vital tooth has its circulation and nutrients cut off therefore it are more fragile, and it should be protected with a full coverage crown. 失活后的牙齿由于没有神经营养和血液供应变脆,容易折断,需要做牙冠来保护。
16.This tooth is cracked and is not savable, it needs to be removed. 这颗牙劈裂了,无法挽救了,需要拔除。
17.Your wisdom tooth is pushing on the molar in front of it , and makes it very hard to clean. This might cause decay or gum infection in the area .Since the wisdom tooth has no chewing function, and it will only cause hygiene problem. I will recommend your wisdom tooth to be removed. 这颗牙是一颗智齿。它会顶着前边一颗牙,使前边的牙齿很容易龋坏。并且它的牙龈会反复发炎。它没有咬合作用。永远也长不正了要拔除它。
18.After teeth cleaning, it is normal to see some minor bleeding during brushing and it is also normal for some teeth to be temporary sensitive to temperature. 刚洗完牙可能会有一些刷牙出血。可能会有一些牙齿遇冷热酸痛,这是正常的。
19.This tooth has severe periodontal decease (infection of gum and bone is receded and there is not enough support for this tooth ,that’s why it is loose and painful on chewing. I will have to first clean out all the calculus that is above and below the gum. 你这颗牙患了严重的牙周炎。由于牙龈和牙槽骨的萎缩,牙周支持组织已经无法保证牙齿的功能,牙齿开始松动,咬合无力或咬合痛。我要清洁牙冠和牙根上的牙石。