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Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions that takes place in the body’s cells, converting the fuel in the food we eat into the energy needed to power everything we do, from moving to thinking to growing in organisms. The three main purposes of metabolism are: the conversion of food to energy to run cellular processes; the conversion of food/fuel to building blocks for proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and some carbohydrates; and the elimination of nitrogenous wastes. These enzyme-catalyzed reactions allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments.


There are two processes, or rather, two interactive channels by which metabolism runs.

Catabolism refers to the breakdown of food components (such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats) into their simpler forms, which can then be used to create energy. Think of it as your “destructive metabolism” which produces the energy required for all activity in the cells. In this process, cells break down carbohydrates and fats to release energy and fuel all anabolic reactions, such as heating the body, giving the muscles power to contract and the body to move. As complex chemical units are broken down into more simple substances, the waste products released in the process of catabolism are removed from the body through the skin, kidneys, lungs, and intestines.

Anabolism is your “constructive metabolism” that gives which is all about building and storing. All anabolic processes support the growth of new cells, the maintenance of body tissues, and the storage of energy for use in the future.




These are governed by your Hormonal and Nervous systems. Interestingly, they work together like a team complimenting every single cellular action in your body. During this complex biochemical process, calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function.The number of calories your body uses to carry out these basic functions is known as your basal metabolic rate (or total energy expenditure) — what you might call metabolism.


The complexity of metabolism can be divided into three components:

1.Basal metabolic rate (BMR) –is the amount of kilojoules burned at restand contributes 50-80% of your energy used. The BMR refers to the amount of energy your body needs to maintain itself. This accounts for 50-80% of your total energy use. Total lean mass, especially muscle mass, is largely responsible for the BMR. So, anything that reduces lean mass will reduce BMR.



2.Energy used during physical activity – this is the amount of kilojoules burned during movement and physical activity. The energy expenditure of the muscles makes up only 20% or so of the total energy expenditure at rest but, during strenuous exercise, the rate of energy expenditure of the muscles may go up 50-fold or more.

2.运动消耗的能量 - 这是在运动和身体活动期间燃烧的千焦耳热量。肌肉的能量消耗仅占休息时总能量消耗的20%左右,但是在剧烈运动期间,肌肉的能量消耗率可能上升50倍或更多。

3.Food processing (thermogenesis) – this is the energy you use to eat, digest and metabolize food. Regardless of what you thought before, eating actually raises your metabolism. No wonder diet-obsessed meal-skippers burn fewer calories AND have no energy to move. After each meal, the metabolic rise occurs soon after you start eating and peaks two to three hours later. It can range between 2-3% and up to 25-30%, depending on the size of the meal and the types of foods eaten. Fats raise the BMR by 4%, carbohydrates by 6% and proteins by up to 30%! Hot spicy foods can also have a significant thermic effect.

3.消化食品的能量(产热) - 这是你用来食用,消化和代谢食物的能量。不管你之前的想法如何,进食实际上会提高你的新陈代谢。难怪迷恋节食和错餐的人,消耗更少的卡路里并且没有能量移动。每餐后,您开始进食后很快就会出现新陈代谢,并在两到三个小时后达到峰值。它的范围在2-3%到25-30%之间,具体取决于进餐量和食物类型。脂肪可使BMR提高4%,碳水化合物提高6%,蛋白质提高30%!热的辛辣食物也可以产生显着的产热效应。

Several factors determine your individual basal metabolism, including:

· Your body size and composition. People who are larger or have more muscle burn more calories, even at rest.

· Your sex. Men usually have less body fat and more muscle than do women of the same age and weight, which means men burn more calories.

· Your age. As you get older, the amount of muscle tends to decrease and fat accounts for more of your weight, slowing down calorie burning. Energy needs for your body's basic functions stay fairly consistent and aren't easily changed.





Metabolism and weight

It may be tempting to blame your metabolism for weight gain. But because metabolism is a natural process, your body has many mechanisms that regulate it to meet your individual needs. Only in rare cases do you get excessive weight gain from a medical problem that slows metabolism, such as Cushing's syndrome or having an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).

Unfortunately, weight gain is a complicated process. It's likely a combination of genetic makeup, hormonal controls, diet composition and the impact of environment on your lifestyle, including sleep, physical activity and stress.

All of these factors result in an imbalance in the energy equation. You gain weight when you eat more calories than you burn — or burn fewer calories than you eat.





Take Control of Your Metabolism, Take Control of Your Weight


How does our metabolism work? Metabolism is the process used by our bodies to convert food into energy. When your metabolism works correctly, the conversion of food to energy is a rapid process giving our bodies the chance to burn the calories you consume. When your metabolism is slow, you don’t effectively use the calories that you are taking in and this is what leads to excess body fat. This is what leads to weight gain. Two people can eat the exact same thing and one will burn all of the calories that they intake and the other will hold those calories and this is a direct effect of a fast and slow metabolism. So how do you take control of your metabolism? Here are some helpful pointers that will get your metabolism running like a freight train burning off those calories you intake before they turn into unwanted pounds.


5 Ways to Take Control of Your Metabolism


1. Weight Training

Lifting weights is the best way to promote muscle growth.

Growing and repairing your muscles requires more energy from your body which in turn boosts your metabolism.

After a work out you will raise your metabolism so high that you will continue to burn calories for an additional three days! This is a very important way to take control of your metabolism because the process of repairing muscle takes time. You burn calories even while you’re sleeping!

1. 重量训练




2. Eat Protein

Eating protein should be consumed daily but if you are trying to lose weight you should eat lean protein and have it count for 30 percent of your caloric intake during the day. Lean protein will help boost your metabolism throughout your day.

Lean proteins produce calories that are easily converted into energy rather than fat.




3. Eat Often

During your day you need to eat little and often. Eating small meals more often during a day at the same times everyday has been shown to help take control of your metabolism.

Diets that limit your caloric intake to under 1,000 calories actually do harm because eating so little slows down your metabolism causing your body to eat away at your muscles first before moving to fat.

Eat clean, small portions often to take control of your metabolism.

3. 多吃




4. Spicy Foods

This one is a give and take. The give is finding spicy foods with lower calories and low fat. The take is spicy foods can raise your heart rate which in turn will boost your metabolism.

Cayenne pepper and chilli powders are a common favorites to add to lean proteins to get the best results when boosting your metabolism.

4. 吃辣的食物




Sometimes the clean eating and excercise are just not enough. This is where CLA can help. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is an excellent fat burner but is also used as an effective metabolism booster. Taking CLA reduces fat deposits in the body and decreases appetite.

CLA increases your metabolism. It also causes you to burn calories and fat faster, which suggests an increase in metabolism.

5. 吃补品

有时适量的饮食和锻炼是不够的。这是 CLA 可以提供帮助的地方。共轭亚油酸(CLA)是一种极好的脂肪燃烧器,但也被用作有效的代谢助推器。服用CLA可减少体内脂肪的沉积,降低食欲。

CLA 增加你的新陈代谢,还会促使你更快地燃烧卡路里和脂肪,这表明新陈代谢有所增加。


1.metabolism [m??tæb?l?z?m] 新陈代谢

2.life-sustaining [la?f s??ste?n??] 维持生命的

3.nitrogenous [na??trɑd??n?s] 含氮的

4.enzyme-catalyzed [?enza?m ?kæt??la?zd] 酶催化的

5.catabolism [k??tæb?l?z?m] 分解代谢(异化作用)

6.anabolism [?'næb?liz?m] 合成代谢(同化作用)

7.anabolic [?æn??b?l?k] 合成代谢的;同化的

8.intestine [?n?t?st?n] 肠

9.hypothyroidism [?ha?po??θa?r??d?z?m] 甲状腺功能减退





