


2015-03-13 13:55 来源:医学教育网


163.stick to 坚持

But Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research.

164.suffer from 遭受

The peasants had to pay heavy taxes and suffered greatly from hunger.

165.take it easy 放心好了、别着急

Take it easy!I've just called the First Aid Centre.

166.take part in 参加

Every four years athletes all over the world take part in the Olympic Game.

167.take place 发生

The dialogue takes place at a tailor's shop.

168.take up 占去、占领

I think we should get this one,although it will take up more space in the room.

169.take the place of 代替、取代

Millions of young trees have already been planted to take the place of those which were blown over.

170.tell lies 说谎

Recently I've discovered that he's started to tell lies.

